Oil Painting of Peonies and Lace Tablecloth with fruit, 21" x 24", Oil on Panel

"Peonies and Old English Lace"
This painting is available. Email me for pricing and information.

I've been working on this piece for some time but because of time constraints and an impossible schedule, I'm only getting around to publishing it today.

As you've no doubt noticed, I'm not publishing very much at all these days. School and teaching have me completely tied up and then with only four days left in the week, I'm only getting to paint what I please about one or two days a week. Hence, no time for daily painting. While I mourn the loss of visibility and, obviously sales, I'm truly flourishing in the academic environment. I just love attending Georgetown Atelier and teaching has become more exciting and rewarding for me as a result.

I'll be renaming this blog to something more appropriate soon and am considering withdrawing from DailyPainters.com unless I can find the time to publish more often. I hope, despite that, that you will opt to still receive my blog posts. I have truly loved doing business and sharing my work with all of you and hope to someday be able to give you more paintings on a regular basis. However, school is a long time committment for me and as I wish to open an atelier of my own some day, this is an opportunity I must take advantage of while I still can do so.
I still intend to publish to the blog smaller pieces for occasional sale and pastels as they become available. As I am required to produce for the Blue Whole Gallery in Sequim, I will still be posting a few times a month.

Painting of Pink Peonies in Small Bouquet, 8" x 10"

"Practice Peonies"

Buy this painting on PayPal
Price: $49 USD plus $12 USD s/h
Or, send me an email
Summer's nearly over. Health issues have kept me from being in the studio this summer but as the fall approaches and things are resolving, I hope to be publishing more often. As I'm returning to atelier this fall for two days a week and I'll be teaching all day Wednesday, that leaves me four days for studio, home and social life. I promise to do my best but I'm sorry to say I'll not be able to claim daily painting status any longer as the new demands on my time will make that very difficult. I'll continue to be a part of DailyPainters.com, however, for awhile.
I've been away from paint for so long, I thought I should at least give some flowers a try and work out the rust in my painting hand.

Rhododendron Oil Painting, 9" x 12" on Canvas Panel

"Rhodie and Persian Rug"SOLD

There's a Rhododendron bush on the walking path I take about every other day and it's been calling my name. I pictured it against my red Persian run that sits in my entry hall. The rug is 15 feet long. It was a real chore to drag that thing into my studio, roll it up and drape about five feet of it over the backdrop I use in my set ups. But it was worth it. What'cha think?

"Peonies and Lemons, Cool Light"SOLD

There are just some days when I can go into the studio and it's just a day job. But on other days, if I show up, the magic happens. Today was just such a day. I loaded the palette with lots of juicy paint and the stuff just flowed off of my brush. Perhaps the mostly painterly piece I done in awhile, it's now my most recent favorite. There's lots of generous paint on the blooms and the lemons are just luscious. I didn't bother waiting to glazing the vase, instead I just let the paint sculpt it today.
Check out my notes on this piece on my painting blog.