Oil Painting of Peonies and Lace Tablecloth with fruit, 21" x 24", Oil on Panel

"Peonies and Old English Lace"
This painting is available. Email me for pricing and information.

I've been working on this piece for some time but because of time constraints and an impossible schedule, I'm only getting around to publishing it today.

As you've no doubt noticed, I'm not publishing very much at all these days. School and teaching have me completely tied up and then with only four days left in the week, I'm only getting to paint what I please about one or two days a week. Hence, no time for daily painting. While I mourn the loss of visibility and, obviously sales, I'm truly flourishing in the academic environment. I just love attending Georgetown Atelier and teaching has become more exciting and rewarding for me as a result.

I'll be renaming this blog to something more appropriate soon and am considering withdrawing from DailyPainters.com unless I can find the time to publish more often. I hope, despite that, that you will opt to still receive my blog posts. I have truly loved doing business and sharing my work with all of you and hope to someday be able to give you more paintings on a regular basis. However, school is a long time committment for me and as I wish to open an atelier of my own some day, this is an opportunity I must take advantage of while I still can do so.
I still intend to publish to the blog smaller pieces for occasional sale and pastels as they become available. As I am required to produce for the Blue Whole Gallery in Sequim, I will still be posting a few times a month.

Painting of Pink Peonies in Small Bouquet, 8" x 10"

"Practice Peonies"

Buy this painting on PayPal
Price: $49 USD plus $12 USD s/h
Or, send me an email
Summer's nearly over. Health issues have kept me from being in the studio this summer but as the fall approaches and things are resolving, I hope to be publishing more often. As I'm returning to atelier this fall for two days a week and I'll be teaching all day Wednesday, that leaves me four days for studio, home and social life. I promise to do my best but I'm sorry to say I'll not be able to claim daily painting status any longer as the new demands on my time will make that very difficult. I'll continue to be a part of DailyPainters.com, however, for awhile.
I've been away from paint for so long, I thought I should at least give some flowers a try and work out the rust in my painting hand.

Peony Oil Painting, 6" x 6"


Today started with an early rise so that I could get my wrecked studio into shape for my students who were returning after the holiday break. What a mess! After about two hours I managed to get enough stuff moved around so that folks could work. I am so done with this whole waiting thing! I can't wait until the new studio is finished. You could hide a body in the old one.

After my students left, I got busy with Day Two of my commission but didn't wrap it up until dinner time. So for my daily painting, I borrowed one of the peonies from the painting and, viola! A daily painting. OK - so it's not for sale. But I did finish it in about the time I take to do a DP, so it sort of counts. Check in with my teaching blog later tonight for more about this peony and the painting as it develops.

Oil Painting of Pink Peonies and Tangerines, 9" x 12"

"Pink Passion"

I've been out of town for the weekend sharing good food and gentle weather with my favorite cousins in California. Everything is blooming there. Sigh. It snowed here while we were gone. I couldn't bring the flowers home, so I chose the brightest flowers I could find from among my own collection and painted this. There's lots of thick paint on these beauties to make the petals stand out. See the detail closeup below. Enjoy.

Floral Oil Painting of Pink Peonies and Pears, 11" x 14" on Canvas Panel

"Peonies and Pears"

I was in the mood yesterday for something a bit more complex, so I chose to do a full bouquet of Peonies in a pretty detailed vase. I wanted to give a good painting lesson and demo on my other
blog and this seemed a good way to do it. The flowers have some great thick paint on them and were glazed to bring them to life. I was really happy with the way they came out. The satin cloth came to life here as well. As complex as the design on the vase appears, it really only took a few minutes to get it in with a glaze. The overall effect is quite convincing though. Hope you enjoy it. Check out my other blog to see how this painting was done.

Oil Painting of Pink Peonies and Asian Bell, 11" x 14" on Canvas Panel

"Peonies and Asian Bell"
Click here to bid.

I've been experimenting with doing another blog where I show a little about how each piece was painted. I also talk a bit from time to time about the whole business of painting. It's just started so there isn't a lot there yet. But you can see how this one was painted by clicking here.
I get a lot of requests for Peonies. They seem to be the favorite bloom for a lot of people. I'm happy to do them because I like Peonies. They brighten things up a bit for me. In Washington, we don't have a lot of bright days in the winter and colorful blooms add go a long way toward cheering me up. Hope these add a bit of sunshine to your day. Thanks for dropping by.