Painting still life for me is a form of meditation.  It allows me to look deeply at a subject.  Often the light that comes in through my north facing window sets a mood that evokes feelings and memories for me when setting up a still life.  I try to capture that mood in the work.  But mostly, this kind of close attention to what I am trying to capture turns into a kind of adoration. A friend once told me (tongue in cheek) that she couldn't paint portraits because she found herself falling in love with her subject as a result of the close scrutiny she employed when painting them.  I think I understand.

All paintings are framed unless otherwise specified and prices reflect this. If you would like to see a picture of the painting framed, simply email me and I will send you the image. If you would prefer a painting unframed, please email me to get a price quote. To purchase a painting or see a larger image of it, click on its photo.