Dogwood with Poppies, 12" x 16" Oil on Linen

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Price: $160 USD plus $15 USD s/h
Or, send me an email

I'm back! I tried to think of something witty to say but the simple truth is, it's done! Well mostly. There are a few details like a sink and the outside painting and landscaping, but that doesn't affect me or my ability to paint. The office is finished, the studio is mostly done and I am back to work - officially - today. And I must say, it's good to be back. I enjoyed the absence of pressure in not having to post something nearly every day, but I missed being "in touch". Even when I don't hear from folks out there, I know I'm being seen and heard and that seems to be enough to push the isolation of the studio away for a while.
This painting was completed during a demo at the Sequim Arts meeting in March. I intended to do a small 9" x 12" painting much like the ones I usually post here but one of my students pointed out to me that folks in the back rows wouldn't be able to see a thing. So I chose a larger canvas and painted with bigger brushes. The photo doesn't do it justice as the painting is on linen and the darn stuff reflects every little bit of light in the room. It's hard to keep a sharp image and still correct for the glare. I'm working on getting a better photgraphy set up. Well, I'm running late for my class in Seattle, so I'll post the slide show of the demo on Wednesday. See you then.

Asian FLoral of Two Red Poppies, Oil on Panel, 5" x 7"

"Two Poppies and a Chinese Vase"

Today was just a crummy day. I was tired after my long haul back from my Seattle based atelier class (three 1/2 hrs) the night before I had to get up early to clear the studio and set up for teaching. The class was good but I finished tired and then after lunch couldn't get myself moving again. I was just brain dead. Nothing inspired me and I seriously considered just fading into the couch with a good book. But guilt, the driving force behind my self discipline, got me moving -- trudging actually. As I set this still life up, the lamp came apart and hit me in the head, I turned too fast and knocked the newly primed board off the easel, knocked over the space heater and scared the bejesses out of my cats! I need to take a copy of this post and pin it to my studio door. One of the things I should know about myself by now is that the discipline of focus on a painting will usually chase the cobwebs and fatigue away. I felt abut two hundred percent better about half way through this little. And now I'm fully recovered - well about ninety percent. I'm going to make dinner, try not to have an accident, and then fade into the couch with a good book. Guilt be damned.

This painting is also available framed. Email me for details.

Still Life Oil painting of a teapot and poppies, 11" x 14" on canvas panel

"The Crystalline Teapot"SOLD

I love crystalline glazed pottery but can hardly afford to own much. This teapot was a gift from some friends and I treasure it. It's quite difficult to paint in an ala prima session, so I took a little extra time with it and applied the glaze and design on a second session the following day. This allowed me to get the more subtle changes in light and temperature on the delicate finish. The flowers were painted pretty much ala prima on day one with only a touch up on day two. Enjoy.