Floral Oil Painting of Mixed Bouquet, 24" x 36", Oil on Canvas

"Floral en Trompe l'Oeil"SOLD

I'm headed to a week long workshop in Fall City this week so I as I won't be able to publish regularly, I thought I'd run a sort of slide show of some previous work. If I get a chance, I'll publish what I'm doing at the workshop and maybe get to post one or two for sale, but this is a week of study. Something I desperately need to do for myself. It will be refreshing to work with other artists instead of in isolation and I'll get to sit at the feet of the Master, David Leffel.
This piece was one from my Trompe l'Oeil collection (pronounced tompe loi - at least I think so. The French would argue with that or so says my friend Jackie - oh, excuse me - Jacquie). I actually painted the frame into the painting. Something I did on a lot of pieces in those days.