Still Life of vases and Urns, 5" x 7" Oil on Panel

"On the Floor"
$25Click here to e-mail me for purchase.

It's been awhile since I did one of these. When I first started doing daily paintings, I painted a lot of common objects. It was fun and rather challenging. But I've always found working small to be difficult and sort of cramping. With things being as slow as they are on eBay and everyone holding onto their change (me included), small seems to be the order of the day. These jars and jugs sit on the floor in my studio waiting for their next role in a still life or floral. Today I chose to just let them stay where they are and I worked them into one of these small exercises. I enjoyed it and it was a nice change from the usual.
With things in our beloved country so much in upheaval, I've been giving a lot of thought to the natural rhythm of things. It would seem to me that this is perhaps an opportunity (unwanted albeit) to change my pace and stretch a bit. I'll continue to post many of fl orals I enjoy and will also be trying some new things. But I won't be putting them up for auction for the next month or two with, perhaps, a few exceptions. They'll be for sale here on my blog and there will be links for e-mailing me. One of my customers took advantage of this yesterday and purchased the "Two Little Nudes" off the blog. PayPal is still the preferred method of payment, but I take checks as well.