"Distant Storm"
20" x 10"Oil on Panel
I recently finished this piece for an upcoming show at Gallery 9 in Port Townsend when I will be the featured artist. The show will be called "The Sky's no Limit". Actually, that might change but for the moment it seems to fit. I've completed a number of cloudscapes over the past year and I'd like to present them together in one show.
Like most folks, I'm always looking up at the sky. I find clouds fascinating and a touch spiritual. They're always changing and so ephemeral. I've recently adopted a few new techniques for capturing them. The best is to work in glazes from the very first but I find this frustrating as it means only working a painting for an hour or so before having to put it aside to dry. And I'm not one to work on several paintings at a time. Maybe two or so but rarely more than that. So I've adopted a technique that once I'm through with the initial first pass, I can start working in combinations of opaque and glaze. It generally takes about four or five passes before the work is finished. A fully glazed painting could have as many as 20 or more - many more, passes. This technique seems to work best for me although I'm always looking to improve or innovate.
Stop by Gallery 9 on first Saturday in July. I'll be there about 5:30 and am always happy to talk about my technique.